
On-demand koolitused

Soft tissue woes- Brevity is the soul of wit  Webinar Registration - Zoom  PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx online training, case examples, tutorial videos and webinar recordings, and much more – all in one place. CDx Digital Education Portal | Agilent 


This postgraduate course focuses on solid tumors and inflammatory conditions of the pancreas, bile duct and ampulla. Sixty cases (both histological and cytological preparations) will be presented and discussed  extensively using an interactive approach with "live" microscopic demonstration. Particular attention will be paid to diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses and clinical relevance. The value and limitations…
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Pathologists in Venice – Real World Cases for an Immersive Training Experience

The CME meeting will host 4 MASTERS in pathology and thanks to the application of an innovative digital pathology platform will offer to the participants the unique possibility of exploring the crucial diagnostic criteria of the following pivotal fields:   Breast pathology Gastrointestinal pathology Cytopathology Soft tissue pathology   This educational meeting will explore, through discussion of…
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